In this article, I haved tried to explain
the similarities and differences in the education system of India and USA. As a developing country India has many social
problems unlike Japan, however, one thing many of us agreed that it's the regional
lobby by influential decision makers and by regions which are hindering the
development of backward region.
I am sorry that I do not know a specific
place where you can offer your biological knowledge and experience, however I
can assure you that your service Higher Education in India is very
much needed as there are many village communities throughout India that would
benefit greatly from such guidance and assistance.
All issues relating to grant of advance
increments to teachers engaged in engineering/ technical courses in the
university system shall be subject to recommendations of the Committee
separately constituted by the Central Government for pay review of teachers in
technical education.
As we move towards an information age,
nations around the world are grappling with what the next transformation in
education needs to be. The current challenge in India remains a 20th century
challenge of quantity and quality for its primary and higher education systems.
The Right to Education Act 2009 meant for
organizing education of children in the age group of 6-14 years as a
fundamental right has substantially addressed these School Education in India
issues as pointed out by the Knowledge Commission and it is hoped that with its
enforcement situation will improve both quantitatively and qualitatively. For
more information, please visit our site
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