Great teachers are always in
demand which makes a career in education a smart choice. Value education means inculcating in the
children a sense humanism, a deep concern for the well being of others and the
can be Government Jobs accomplished only
when we instill in the children a deep feeling of commitment to values that
would build this country and bring back to the people pride in work that brings
order, security and assured progress.
Although European-style education
was still maintained as a reserved subject and was not placed under the control
of the Indian minister of education, this anomaly was corrected by the
Government of India Act of 1935, which removed the distinction between
transferred and reserved subjects and introduced a complete provincial autonomy
over education. An academic examination is not to be treated as the final
verdict or do-or-die stance to a child's future, instead it has to be
restricted Latest Education News
to its importance in serving as the yardstick of only his or her understanding
of the concepts and successful expression of the same”.
Class and class struggle were
related concepts that occupied a central place in the ideology, and a specific
aim of Education Blog India was to develop class consciousness so that all
citizens, young and old, would become valiant fighters in the class struggle.
The doctrines of Aristotle, which had been assiduously cultivated by the
Muslims, were especially influential for their emphasis on the role of reason in
human affairs and on Higher Education in India the importance of the study of
humankind in the present, as distinct from the earlier Christian preoccupation
with the cultivation of faith as essential for the future life. For more
information, please visit our site
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