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Latest news on Education

UNESCO has launched the first edition of its new monthly Education Podcast. Produced by the Education Sector, it contains news, updates and Higher Education in India highlights on the organization's key education activities and projects. The podcast also features interviews with education specialists. Over the past years, the study abroad decision process has grown more complex and moved online. This trend has been confirmed by Google Education which reported that 9 in 10 enrolled students research higher education institutions online. Understanding the international student online journey becomes more than ever crucial for any marketer.
The Interweaving Conference 2017 took place. This conference was a celebration of postgraduate research from across House School of Education and Education Portal was a great day of learning and networking. Contributions came from staff and PGR students. Further details about the conference can be found on the conference website.
For the past sixteen years, Education Update has been honoring women who have achieved extraordinary things throughout their lives. They come from diverse backgrounds and a range of fields, School Education in India but are unified in their shared value of education and the value of imparting knowledge to future generations. Their paths, careers and accomplishments are remarkable and inspirational. The visit is funded by the British Council Mobility Grant within the framework of the British Council's Internationalization of Higher Education Programme the purpose of the visit is to learn about the best practices in university governance, leadership and education reform and student representation. The programme of the visit will include 4 days of Faculty- and University-based meetings Education Blog India and workshops. The Faculty-based programme will be broadcast via the youtube channel to other universities. Speakers are invited to contribute to the programme. It is the first programme of its kind and scale involving scholars in Cambridge. Subject to further funding the programme of support for displaced Universities in Cambridge will continue. For more information, please visit our site


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